divendres, 12 de setembre del 2014

New Science Books

One of the girls favourite things to learn is Science, so they were delighted when they received two new Science books to work through! As each of the girls has a separate book for Science, they have to work by themselves and cannot rely on each other for the answers. This is good for encouraging individual study, something that shall become important when they are older. The books are also good for teaching the girls how to find key information in the text they read– they have to read the page first then answer the questions by re-reading the text for the correct answer.
This is new for Sara and Judit so it will take a few pages for them to get use to it, but I was surprised by how quickly Sara picked it up. She also wrote out the questions for herself, where-as Judit preferred for me to copy out the question and for her to write the answers underneath. Judit thought of using colouring pens to highlight parts of her work though, which is one method of revising and learning that visual children prefer.