divendres, 10 de gener del 2014

Baking goodies

As we have not had a baking day for a while we decided to spend the whole day cooking and baking goodies. After looking through different cooking and baking books, Sara and Jordi both decided to work together and make the same thing, which was some savoury tarts but they decided to change the recipe and choose their own ingredients they thought would taste better! So they ended up with cheese, pork and sweet corn tarts and pasties as they also decided to try making different shapes. This was really good and they loved understanding different flavours and what Works well together and what doesn´t. They named their dish Sara and Jordis´ cheese snacks. Judit decided to go for a sweet cake and choose her recipe but as with Sara and Jordi she changed some of the ingredients to make it more personal and she ended up with, what she named, Judits crazy upside down cake! It was delicious and she also worked very hard with changing the quantities she needed by using her times tables and division skills! We are going to start a new book next week of recipes that the children are creating themselves and they have been giving everything names and keeping notes of the ingredients and they can’t wait to get started now!