divendres, 26 de juliol del 2013

English, baking and dogs!

This week we have made a video of a few different things we have done. First of all the English Sara and Judit have been working on is really helping imrprove not only their writing skills but also their imagination, they are given the first few words of a sentence and they must complete this, I was very impressed with some of the answers including Sara´s answer to learning English... she finished the sentence with, is very fun because you dont always have to speak the same language! For some  maths this week we also put some English into it by solving problems, the math was very easy and basic but it was  good as it showed their understanding of the questions.
Our baking this week was cookies, everyone decided on nice chocolate cookies which we had a lot of fun making and even more fun decorating and eating them! Sara and Judit also got a treat this week and made clay moulds of the dogs paws, they really enjoyed this and the dogs really behaved for them!